We rented a house with an overgrown garden. I want to make it beautiful, but there are constraints. The main one is, of course, time. I have two small and tumbling kids and, for some reason, they don't find pulling up weeds as fascinating as I do. "Mama!" "Yes?" "Come play with me! / I want to go biking! / Play a board game!" (etc). "Um, can I dig up a few more dandelions? Just five more, okay? Um, maybe ten?" So, you see. Another constraint: we plan to buy a house in the next 3-12 months. Should I put significant time and effort into a garden when we may not be here next year to enjoy it? Or, to make it more concrete - that $50 rose tree covered in profuse, fragrant blooms is so beautiful. But if we buy a house in January, will I be able to dig it up and take it with us? (I live in Ottawa, Canada, so the answer is no). And so, I dig, and weed, and dream, and buy annuals, not perennials. Okay, I bought ...