Pretty pictures

Pretty pictures for which I have not yet found a theme...

I love flowers, I love Indonesian textiles...look at the gorgeous combination!

I bought the dahlia tubers at the grocery store - two pink ones and one purple one. Only one sprouted..and it was white. Of course. But it was huge! So they made me very happy. I bought the Indonesian ikat textile from an Indonesian festival that took place at Lansdowne Park, here in Ottawa. I traveled around Indonesia when I was younger, so the festival gave me a little taste of that time.

 I rarely talk about vegetables, because, well - flowers! But I do also grow vegetables. Last year I bought green pepper and eggplant seedlings. They did pretty well! I grew the cherry tomatoes from seed - just threw them into the front of the rose garden, then was chagrined when they grew very well and blocked my view of the flowers...ahem. Next year they are going back to the vegetable garden! They grew very well in the rose garden, though.

I also grew potatoes - that was very satisfying. However, potato afficionados will be shocked to hear that I couldn't tell the difference between my garden grown potatoes and the ones from the store...oh well. It was, however, very satisfying to pull them out of the dirt!

The flowers are from my garden - hot pink phlox and white lace cap hydrangea.

The bus stop side of the fence doesn't belong to me, but I need to keep it mowed! --> Not fair. However, I am turning the situation to my creating flower beds there! Hey, if I have to care for it, I may as well benefit from it! That area gets great sun, so I am plotting and planning... I had many volunteer cosmos seedlings, so I made two new beds and put them in there. Alas, lots of tall stems but few blossoms. 

I also made another bed and put in some irises and...wildflower seeds! This is how it looked in late July. Calendula, red poppy and a few bachelors' buttons. I think I will put in more poppies and some zinnias this year. Those created joy for everyone. 

And another zinnia photo...just becuz. 


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