We are deep into winter here in Ottawa, no denying that. So, since there is no gardening to be done, I will post the pics I never managed to post last year. Let's start with gladiolus. I didn't have gladiolus in my garden growing up. My grandfather did grow it in his garden, though, notably, in his vegetable patch! And so, I associate gladiolus with vegetables. Alas, my vegetable garden is smaller than his was, so I planted my gladiolus in the rose garden. Or, more accurately, in the patch of land painstakingly reclaimed from the voracious goutweed. But one day it will be a rose garden, so there we go. Very cheerful, these blossoms were, and I really enjoyed looking out the kitchen window and seeing them. It made all my efforts worthwhile! I also had a purple gladiolus, which was fun. Also in this garden, fluffy pink and yellow double holllyhocks! That was a surprise - I bought them as seedlings and they were supposed to just be single hollyhocks. That...