We are deep into winter here in Ottawa, no denying that. So, since there is no gardening to be done, I will post the pics I never managed to post last year.
Let's start with gladiolus.
Very cheerful, these blossoms were, and I really enjoyed looking out the kitchen window and seeing them. It made all my efforts worthwhile! I also had a purple gladiolus, which was fun.
Also in this garden, fluffy pink and yellow double holllyhocks! That was a surprise - I bought them as seedlings and they were supposed to just be single hollyhocks. That's okay, I'll take 'em!
I also transplanted over a hollyhock seedling that I put beside the house (a shady spot, I realise, so it wasn't growing so well). But I heard the plant's taproot snap! I don't think it survived the journey...we will see next year!
And, as for that rose garden's coming along! Here we have a sweet pink "Carefree Beauty" rose, living up to its name. Beside it is a glorious blue butterfly larkspur. I love that deep blue!
I also put in a red "Canadian Shield" rose, and I do hope it is as tough as its name implies! Given the severe winters we have, and my general lack of knowledge of roses, it will need to be. But I will give it lots of admiring glances and encouraging murmurs, which as we all know, is what really helps plants flourish!
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